Truly, man is like the ocean no matter how much water that flow into it, it will still want more. The ocean, however, houses many creatures and provide them shelter, food and confort. And as more water pours into it, the ocean shoulders more responsibilities because each one comes with their troubles. I am not a marine engineer or someone who has studied about the ocean but I believe the ocean does accept anything that enters it.
There are some African leaders who are never satisfied with what they have had from the corridors of power. Even when they have eaten and licked the bowl they are unhappy if there are drips around for others to also lick. Well everyone is licking anyway. That in my opinion is the reason why most of our politicians enter into politics. It is not a shame anymore for anyone to amass wealth one year after entering politics.
And these are our role models! Should we be blame if we do the same?
For our politician every vote counts during election but every voice does not count after election. It is funny how politicians can sit in a small boat and row five miles on water to a place like Nzulezu just for votes and ignore every promise they made after they have won power?
I am not getting my thoughts well, but forgive me the ocean is better than our African politician.